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It's a Wrap!

We want to thank Stellenbosch University and our colleagues there, especially Dr. Sandra Swart, for the quality of our South Africa Program. The presentations by Stellenbosch faculty were open and varied. They incorporated depth, rigor, and critical analyses; the immense complexities of modern-day South Africa were highlighted— including the country’s many problems and the many strengths. Controversial issues like crime; racial and ethnic tensions; poverty; public health crises; housing shortages; educational problems; corruption; etc., all were covered. Further, the field trips associated with the Program greatly enhanced our learning. The students came back with a new understanding of a country that is critically important not just for Africa, but also for the world. They also returned with a recognition of the many historical and political parallels, and the continuing struggles, that the United States shares with South Africa. Ultimately, the Program was a unique and enriching experience for all of us. We will do this again!

Brenda Melendy and Nirmal Goswami

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