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The Political Science and History Programs at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK), with the assistance of the University’s Division of International Studies & Programs, are pleased to introduce the African Studies Program (ASP) - a pioneering collaborative initiative between TAMUK and Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The ASP is co-directed by Dr. Nirmal Goswami, Professor of Political Science (TAMUK); Dr. Brenda Melendy, Professor of History (TAMUK); and Dr. Sandra Swart, Professor of History (Stellenbosch). The ASP students will be traveling to South Africa in July 2017, attending classes at Stellenbosch University, and visiting various field sites in the greater Cape Town region. Areas of focus include history, politics, economics, culture, sustainability and environmental policies, etc., of South Africa and the greater Southern African region. 

A TAMUK Service Learning Project, a partnership with H. M. King High School (HMK), Kingsville, is an added special component of the ASP.  The project will support ASP students in developing visual and audio platforms featuring highlights of their field experiences, to be shared subsequently with HMK students and teachers. For example, the ASP will feature a blog which will allow interactive participation by HMK students/teachers with TAMUK students in South Africa. Also, students in the ASP will create a documentary film chronicling their experiences, which will be presented to students and faculty at TAMUK and HMK, as well as members of the Kingsville community. 

You are all invited to cyber-travel with us as we learn about the uniqueness of South Africa and the surrounding region. This blog will document our experiences; you are welcome to post comments.



in partnership with

Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch, South Africa


H.M. King High School

 Kingsville, Texas, USA 

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